Aarialife TechnologiesAarialife Technologies

Streamlining HR Processes With Zoho People & Payroll

Business Challenges: SecurityHQ was facing several challenges in managing their HR processes. With a large and dispersed workforce, it was difficult to streamline and automate their HR processes. Onboarding new employees was also a challenge due to multiple locations. The company was struggling to trackemployee activities and log hours, and leave and performance management were […]
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Transforming HR & Expense Management With Zoho People, Payroll, And Expense

Business Challenges: Before implementing Zoho, Flentas’ HR and Expense management processes were manual and time-consuming, leading to several challenges such as: Difficulty in automating and streamlining HR processes foremployees spread across multiple locations. Inability to track activities and log hours of employees Cumbersome leave management and performance managementprocesses Lack of a centralized asset management system […]
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